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Everybody in this world have to work hard to make money in order to support our life. There will be no one in this world who didn`t like the idea on to be rich people. The big question is “How we can be a rich people???” I guess everybody will have the same question.

There is many way that we can be a rich people. But being rich is not about skill, capital, or opportunity but being rich is also need good mentality. Rich people mentality can be learned by learning from other who already achieve their fortune. It means you will need a row model to guide you to build rich people mentality.

If you need a guide on how to be Rags to riches you should read this Nouveau Riche article. Rags to riches refers to any situation in which a person rises from poverty to wealth, or sometimes from obscurity to fame. Also read from this Nouveau Riche THE BILLIONAIRES 1991 article that provide so many people who is achieve their wealth and fortune also famous in the same time. After you get the whole idea you can join in this Nouveau Riche community Web site an be rich today.